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Thread #109567   Message #2295025
Posted By: Folk Form # 1
22-Mar-08 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: The London Mayor Election
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
Er...No. Apparently I'm not. Boris is ahead of Livingstone in the polls.

lox. I think you are seriously missing the point about Livingstone. He doesn't bring disparate extreme groups together to build understanding between them. He does it to build a power base. An extremist himself, he builds alliances with people with views as extreme as himself. As someone who has a hatred of the society he was born in to, he aligns himself with others who feel the same way. Mostly, these are on the left, but because of Palestine and the Gulf War, he has also aligned himself with extreme radical right-wing anti Semitic wife beating clerics such as Qaradawi, a fucking fascist in everything but name and whose favourite toilet reading is Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This goes down well with a lot of young Muslims who feel alienated, which is the point.

If Livingstone really wanted to being disparate groups of people together, then he would bring Irish Protestants and Catholics, Jews and Muslims, Homosexuals and Homophobes, etc. together, but he doesn't. He is selective and if you are selective, you are hardly going to bring people together, and anyway, that is not his agenda. His agenda, which is an evil one, is to play on grievances, give these grievances a platform, milk them for all that they are worth, and build a power base.

I hope now you understand where I am coming from.