The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109680   Message #2295457
Posted By: alanabit
22-Mar-08 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ten films that got it wrong
Subject: RE: BS: Ten films that got it wrong
A movie which really pissed me off in Germany was "Die Edelweiss Piraten".
The Edelweiss Piraten was a group of young people in the early forties, who daubed anti Nazi slogans on walls in Köln and sang anti Nazi songs. That alone was dangerous enough and was more than enough to get yourself hanged from the railway bridge in Ehrenfeld, which was the fate of about a dozen of them.
To make the film "more exciting" a lot of cock and bull was added about them having guns and offering armed resistance. It pissed me off big time, because it undermined the point that simply getting caught daubing slogans or singing anti Fascist songs was dangerous enough in itself. It was so stupid to make a film, which almost went some way to justifying the authorities brutal repression. It did not make the film more exciting. It completely undermined its credibility. The Edelweiss Piraten were quite heroic enough without all that bollocks with the gunplay being added.
I have a strong suspician that chucking in a bit of shooting is what poor writers and directors are doing in many films nowadays when their imaginations are not up to the task of making films exciting.