The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109523   Message #2295973
Posted By: GUEST,Ol' Smokey
23-Mar-08 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Subject: RE: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Thanks Dave, I appreciate that. To be honest, the ban itself had precious little direct effect on me personally, and my observations are mostly based on personal local experience which I appreciate may not necessarily apply in more affluent areas. There are quite a few 'pub bands' in my area/social circle though, and they have definitely felt the pinch. I've not seen any pubs literally closing due to the smoking ban itself - life and business are just not that simple, but the effect round here is undeniable, and unless something else comes along to rescue the trade there is no doubt the situation will lead to closures - the economics are simple to work out, and the few landlords I know personally can clearly see it coming. Lock-ins are on the increase as a consequence, and of course that's when the ashtrays come out..

I don't blame non-smokers for any of this though, and I don't see why they should blame me, though I appreciate only a minority are that small-minded. I always credited yer average folky with a lot more intelligence, tolerance and social awareness than some of the contributers here have demonstrated. One is forced to wonder if their agenda is actually what it claims to be.

Happy Easter to you too.