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Thread #109662   Message #2295986
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
23-Mar-08 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?

I agree that it won't be Jeb.

I think, it almost certainly will be an evangelical Prodestant, probably a Baptist. Mccain has to appeal to the "Left Behind" readers."

I have to say that my mouth is agape with your support of Arnold.

I am I correct that you are against Obama at least partly because his estranged father was part of the Muslim faith and his preacher sometimes rails against US policy including its support for Israel, but you can support Arnold whose father was a member of the NAZI party. By your standards can I also call the Governor a "liberal" because his wife is a prominent member of the Kennedy clan.

I am certainly not that way. I am for judging the Senator and the Governor both on what they themselves say and do, not on the actions of friends and family.

You have started out here saying that you do not support Obama because of his support of Anti-semites, now that that argument has failed to gain traction, you don't support him because of his lack of experience.

It is obvious, to me at least, that your mind is made up for reasons you are not directly sharing. Since you have said that you are a one issue (support for Israel) voter. I think that you are against him because he has not expressly shared your desire to expand Israel at the cost of peace. Since McCain has, you already have your man.

Me, I don't share the view of some of McCain's backers that expanding Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates so that Armageddon will happen and the Messiah can rule for a thousand years is a good way to conduct foreign policy or a good reason to kill millions and bankrupt this country.

I am sorry to say this, but Israel's "right" to behave as they have been is not worth 4000 young American's lives, ten of thousands maimed and trillions of dollars. Not to mention dead and maimed Iraqis. My religion tells me to love my neighbor. I don't get to choose which neighbors to love based upon political expediency. Other Christians are my neighbors, saints and sinners alike, as are Jews whether they be peace loving, militant fanatic settlers or likudniks, as are Mulims in Palestine, Iraq or Dearborn.

We cannot make peace through war and we cannot solve the problem that Likud's allies in the Neocon movement have created in Iraq by throwing more lives and money at it.

It is time for the Iraq war to end. It will end soon despite what Likud and Aipac want, because that what 70% of America wants. This is a very good thing and it gives me hope. It is change we can believe in.