The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92494   Message #2296142
Posted By: Rapparee
23-Mar-08 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will this thread reach 85 billion posts?
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread reach 85 billion posts?
Dear Impostor of the Late "Shane":

1. Idaho has the death penalty, although YOU might avoid it on the grounds of mental incompetence.

2. I own several rifles, pistols, and shotguns and know very well how to use them. Further, I wouldn't hesitate to do so if my life or the life of another were threatened. In your case, I would have to use armor-piercing bullets, because that's about the only thing that MIGHT penetrate your head. I'm not sure about your stomach; the fat padding might stop anything short of artillery.

3. I flippin' taught hand-to-hand combat: hands, sticks, knives, rope, wire -- you name it.

4. I haven't killed anyone for a long time and I miss it. Please, please, come out here and number my days for me. Pretty please?