The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107892   Message #2296319
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
24-Mar-08 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: 3rd EasterMudFolk PeakDistrict:Come on!21-24 Mar
Subject: RE: 3rd EasterMudFolk PeakDistrict:Come on!21-24 Mar
Enjoyed meeting everybody - sorry my look ins were so brief. If we get more sensible weather next time _ i'll try and work out a stop over. When you guys camp - where do you actually stop. I bought a cheap campervan off e-bay last September, but its been nowt but shit weather ever since. I went to the Cheltenham guitar festival with it in September and even then it was real freeze your nuts off weather. I haven't figured out how to stay warm in the bloody thing.
It stays on the drive as a constant reproof to my wanton extravagance - I could have bought two of the latest Yamaha LD models or a couple of second hand Lowdens for what that bugger cost.

Instead I have to keep replying to people who ask - what sort of guitar is that - it cost a hundred and thirty quid on e-bay, by way of an explanantion.