The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43818   Message #2296597
Posted By: Tootler
24-Mar-08 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Explore: Raglan Road 2
Subject: RE: Explore: Raglan Road 2
I think the point "meself" was making is that without I vital piece of information - the date when the event described in Big Tim's post of 23 Mar 08 - 12:25 PM, then the assertion that "Kavanagh himself set the melody, not Luke Kelly, or anybody else" was not proven.

This was cleared up by Big Tim in his subsequent post, though I did think, Big Tim, that if you had gone back and read your original post more carefully, you might have picked up the point that "meself" was making and there was really no need to be so huffy. We did not all know what you evidently knew, nor was there any reason why you should have assumed we did.

In fact once you had given us all the information, it cleared up for me the issue of who chose the tune for Raglan road which did seem up till then to have been a bit uncertain.