The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109376   Message #2296925
Posted By: GUEST,Appaloosa Lady
24-Mar-08 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Prostitution just women...........;
Subject: RE: BS: Is Prostitution just women...........;
"....though I can't be sure because of the lack of clarity with which you have written, is that sex for sale is morally wrong, whether or not it is exploitive."

Lack of clarity Janie ????

"Let me get one thing straight first though. If someone is perfectly happy being a prostitute, then that is fine by me. That is their choice and their life. It's the ones who are *trapped* in prostitution, that I'm talking about."

I don't judge people, apart from on their souls.

Of course Sex For Sale is morally wrong if it exploits anyone. Absolutely 100% wrong! How can it be anything but wrong, if the woman does not want to be a prostitute in the first place. Maybe she's been coerced or forced into it by some complete bastard, be they male or female...or she's seen it as her *only choice* in life, having had a young life filled with family misery or has been branded 'FAILURE' by an education system that, for many, so often de-sensitises and destroys, rather than illuminates and inspires. (but don't get me going on that one again)

The Path To Prostitution is the one that dismays me, because it seems to be never-ending.

If a woman absolutely adores sex and has worked out that she's damned fantastic at it and can therefore earn a fortune, well...good luck to her. She'll make herself deliriously happy and certainly make her various clients even more delirious, I'm sure.

But for the girl whose there for other should not be happening in the 21st century!

Occupation: Legalised Sex Worker.


So MORALLY that's now OK? Because society has given these girls a shiny, bright new name, to put on their passport, one that gives them fantastic rights, such as erm..not being beaten up, or less risk of sexual diseases? GREAT! What a job girls! Roll up! Roll up!

I'm missing the blindingly obvious again aren't I?

Shouldn't she being helped out of a world that she may hate? Shouldn't she be given new opportunities for a better life?
Shouldn't she be given encouragement, support, understanding, belief in herself? You know, all that 'stuff' that school and parents should have given her, so long ago, to set her up so positively for life?

Next we'll be having Sex Work NVQs and Sex Work University Degrees!

I mean?????????

Some poor spirit, who's been messed up by a crappy education system, labelled 'FAILURE' then got tossed out into a harsh world, probably turned to drink and drugs to numb the pain, drifts into prostitution, goes down and down in her own estimation and that of others and FINALLY she earns the 'respect' of society by becoming stamped 'Legalised Sex Worker'


Someone bring back William Wilberforce...FAST!