The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109383   Message #2297264
Posted By: Mrrzy
25-Mar-08 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: 3rd Joke thread of 2008!
Subject: RE: BS: 3rd Joke thread of 2008!
So, the madam looks out the window, and who's heading for the whorehouse but the town's only Ethnic. Now, she knew that none of her girls would want to get with him, so she quickly blows up a fuckdoll and leaves it in a bed in the attic. Sure enough, Ethnic comes in, and while her girls scatter the madam tells him she has a special treat for him, up in the attic room. Up he goes, tromp tromp tromp. About 15 seconds later down he comes, tromp tromp tromp. The madam says, why so quick, wasn't she satisfactory? The ethnic replies, I'm not sure... I took my pants off, got into bed, bit her on the tit and she farted and flew out the window!