The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109662   Message #2297768
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
26-Mar-08 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?

If your strategy is to lie, you should wait at least 24 hours before you contradict yourself.

Date: 25 Mar 08 - 08:51 PM
>>My objection to Obama is strictly based upon his association with Rev. Wright<<

Date: 25 Mar 08 - 12:33 AM
>>>I know that you folks only want to see one side of this candidate and consider him the second comming of the Messiah. But if there is any possiblilty that he is still a Muslim, I would not want to see him in power a mere 7 years after 9/11. My memory is not that short.
I lost friends that day and if not for the grace of G-d, my dear wife would have been there that day as well.<<<

Are you actually a Rabbi? You seem to play fast and loose with the third and ninth commandments. Is it really OK to make condescending jokes about the Messiah? Its not very respectful that is sure.