The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109662   Message #2298190
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
26-Mar-08 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
And just how is Obama going to bring about this thing called "change" that he proclaims so loudly?

Most of you folks here are old enough to remember that last time a young and charismatic leader captivated and energized the nation with such a message.

Yes, It was JFK. And unlike Obama, JFK was not a freshman senator. He had twice as much legislative experence as does Obama. He also had the additional advantage of coming from a family of experienced and seasoned career politicians who knew all the ropes.

However, even JFK, with all these attributes could not get his progressive legislation through a congress that was controlled by his own political party.

It took a seasoned veteran of congress, Lyndon B. Johnson, to finally get the "Great Society" legislation that brought about real change in our nation, enacted into law.

That is why Hillary would be more effective as a leader of our nation. These old career entrenched members of the House & Senate with their super seniority will resent taking orders from a young man who is still "wet behind the ears". A 2 term senator and wife of a former president will carry much more weight with them.
