The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109799   Message #2298225
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
26-Mar-08 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
She is a lot like Bush.
Pretending she is winning when she is beat.
Staying away from substance while her minions attack.
Panicking when she is behind and switching to desperation measures.
Putting her own short term political gains ahead of the Country's
The Story about Kosovo reminds me of Bush talking about his "service" in the Texas ANG and his little "Mission Accomplished" Junket.


She is the cause of Obama's Poll numbers and hers are going down with them. She is like Sampson tearing down the roof of the temple. All the Democrats are getting crushed.