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Thread #109799   Message #2298473
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Mar-08 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Jack got it right. A lot of voters are happy about being treated as adults--for once.

And who's doing it? Hillary? Not likely. Try appealing to any prejudice she thinks might get her the nomination.   Hispanics--they don't vote for blacks--says her spokesman--early in the campaign. Wright said "God damn America"--that establishes beyond doubt that he's bent on the destruction of the US--never mind that he was a Marine, served with honor, and that his sermon is solidly in the tradition of Jeremiah's railing against Judah---which I pointed out on 20 March. And that somehow--despite the 20 year anti-white, anti-America record he is assumed to have by Faux News, Hannity, and anybody else who lives by sound-byte, ---- he was considered just fine to have at the White House during the bleak Monica days--when many religious figures were condemning Bill.

As I read recently:   "Yes, Hillary, we all remember when you threw Rev. Wright out of the White House when he came to offer prayers of support during Monica/ Impeachment days. We have the video of you telling him how you wanted nothing to do with his hateful Black Power, anti-white, anti-American ravings. We don't? It must be on the same tape with the Bosnian snipers firing over your goldilocks".

And by the way, consider what her own pastor--insofar as the Clintons had a church in the 1990s-- Foundry Church-- says about Wright. "Dr. Wright, a member of an integrated denomination, has been an agent of racial reconciliation while proclaiming perceptions and truths uncomfortable for some white people to hear": (Dean Snyder, 19 March 2008).

But does this come out in Hillary's statement? No. After a week, she says, in response to a question, that she would have left Wright's church after Wright's statement. Would she also leave Foundry, since, according to her logic, Foundry's minister has shown tolerance for the destruction of the US?

Could this be angling for votes of people--say in Pennsylvania, to pick a totally theoretical example--who want an excuse not to vote for a black man? Nah, not a chance.

And, according to Barbara Ehrenreich in The Nation, Hillary herself has some skeletons in the closet on religion. "The Family", part of a secretive Capitol Hill group to which Hillary belonged to in her years in DC--a conservative Bible study and prayer circle, takes credit for some of Hillary's "rightward legislative tendencies, such as "religious freedom" for pharmacists who refuse to fill birth control prescriptions and police officers who refuse to guard abortion clinics."

I have no idea about this business of Hillary's attitude towards "religious freedom". But it might be interesting to check out. As well as the matter of her eager acceptance of contributions from a firm under lawsuit by over 100 women for sexual harassment. She's totally against sexual harassment--unless of course money for her campaign is in the offing.

But the contrast between that sort of question and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" ad nauseam is stark. Hannity, etc. are a bit more crude, to say the least, than, say, the question of "religious freedom" and Hillary.

But it's fairly evident that Bobert is correct--Hillary does believe in the Tanya Harding option--otherwise known as the Goetterdaemmerung approach, Samson gambit, etc.

It's also instructive to note the contrast between Obama, who did not throw his pastor under the bus, though that might have been the smart political move--and the Clintons, who have littered the political landscape with people they no longer need.