The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109799   Message #2298503
Posted By: Genie
27-Mar-08 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Being from Tonya's home town, I gotta set the record straight a bit.

First, it's "Tonya," not "Tanya."
Second, Nancy Kerrigan was not kneecapped.
(If she had been, she wouldn't have been walking so good, much less back in Olympic competition, a few weeks later.)
Third, Tonya was never clearly tied to planning the crime itself. She pled guilty to "hindering the prosecution" of her ex-husband, Jeff Gillooley, and his co-thugs. I.e., she tried to help cover up Jeff's actions, as she was still romantically involved with him. (Hey, there's a plot for a folk song, eh?)

What Shane Stant on and the other guys did to Nancy (whacking her above the knee with a wooden stick) was despicable, and they rightly did time for it. And Tonya was at the very least a wimp suffering from misplaced loyalties, not to mention an idiot where it came to protecting her own skating career. But I get tired of the story being so distorted as its legend grows. :)

Now, as for Hillary, I'd say what she's trying to do to Obama and to the Democratic party's chances in 2008, while legal, is much farther reaching 'crime.'