The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109662   Message #2299088
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
27-Mar-08 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
      You are reading things into my words. I am NOT implying in any way that black people are inferior, nor do I hold that opinion.

The fact of the matter is that Justice Clarence Thomas is perhaps the most conservative of all the judges on the supreme court, with the possible exception of Justice Scalia. I believe that his voting record is prefectly pro-conservative on any matter that has ever come before the court. He also happens to be black and was appointed by the elder Pres. Bush as the token African American justice on the supreme court amid great contreversy (remember Anita Hill). His views on social issues such as affirmative action and abortion are diametrically opposed to those of Obama.

As we saw in the last election, the justices of the Supreme Court usually follow the politics of the Presidents that appointed them. That is why you usually get a 5 to 4 vote on highly controversial cases. By appointing Justices Roberts and Alito, Dubyah gave the conservatives a one vote majority.

So my question remains, does Justice Thomas, as the tie breaking vote, go with the party line or does he sieze the once in a lifetime opportunity to make history?
