The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109662   Message #2299177
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
27-Mar-08 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Justices Breyer and Ginsburg will definitely vote against McCain, even if Lieberman is his running mate. But they are part of the minority. Thomas is part of the majority.

Also, I feel that the case of a black president would be much more historically significant than that of a Jewish president, given the history of this country.

First of all, there are many more black people in this country than there are Jews. For this alone it is fitting that there should be a black president before there is a Jewish one.

Second of all, America has been very good to Jews, perhaps better than any country in the history of this planet. They have prospered and continue to prosper in this great land of opportunity. The election of a Jew to the presidency would be newsworthy but not earth shattering.

However the history of blacks is much different. They were brought to this country in chains, against their will to begin with. After Lincoln freed the slaves, they were systematically kept down by the Jim Crow laws of segregation and denied economic & educational opportunities by an ingrained system of racism that continues to this very day.

Therefore, were a black man to achieve the highest office in this land it would be a culmination of the dream that Martin Luther King refrerred to in his famous speech. Perhaps culmination is the wrong word. It would be the beginning of the end to racism in this country. This indeed would be an earth shattering event and a significant benchmark in the history of the United States. This is what Justice Thomas would have to consider in this case.
