The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109523   Message #2299755
Posted By: Backwoodsman
28-Mar-08 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Subject: RE: BS: The smoking ban & pubs

I think you've caused your own notoriety O'S, by both posting as a 'Guest' (a description I dislike as guests are, in most social scenarios, usually present by invitation, rather than simply imposing themselves on the members, as 'Guests' are able to do on this forum) and indulging in deliberate mischief and (dare I say it without attracting accusations of loutishness and rusticism) good old-fashioned Shit-Stirring, in your posts - I know, I've stupidly done some myself in past threads.

By the things you've posted, you've quite deliberately invited 'certain people' (that's to say 'those you have yourself targetted') to "quote you out of context, misunderstand and/or misinterpret you words, invent a character of their own design that is supposed to be you, and then proceed to throw metaphorical bricks at it. All without knowing anything about you whatsoever". You know that very well, it's been your aim all along to piss people off, so why complain when you succeed and they retaliate?

It's good fun metaphorically opening a door, lobbing in a hand-grenade and closing the door again. Unfortunately, when you then post something worth reading, with good sense or genuine humour in it, those you have stirred up are less likely to give you credit for it (assuming they even bother to read it). And I suspect that's where you're at now - an intelligent guy (or gal) who, through his or her own design, has little or no credibility.

Very sad. I'm sure you have a lot to say that's very worthwhile, and a great deal to contribute to healthy debate. Shame some of us won't be taking a blind breath of notice of anything else you have to say.