The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109799   Message #2300338
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
29-Mar-08 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
OK Amos, just a few--

1) Impeach Bush

2) Reform the anti-consumer laws that have gutted the gains made by the consumer advocacy movement, including: government safeguarding of pension plans, the same way government safeguards bank deposits up to $100,000.

3) Repeal the Bankruptcy Reform Act, and rewrite the bankruptcy code to protect consumers from predatory lenders, including student loan giants, and write separate codes for medical bankruptcy cases caused by patients being charged obscene amounts of money just to get the medical care their life threatening conditions require.

4) Pass new, sweeping laws to regulate the credit and mortgate industries and protect consumers from predatory lenders.

5) Update the EPA & bring environmental protections laws into the 21st century.

6) Rewrite corporate law in a way that no longer gives corporations the biggest loophole of the 20th century, which was to equate corporate rights with rights of the individual under the US Constitutional law.

7) End the war, get the US troops back in the US, Israel the hell out of the Palestinian territories, and undertake a WWII size Marshall plan equivalent for the Middle East to transform the face of the Arab world. And do it without the help of the corrupt regimes in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

8) Put the collapse of the agricultural economy based upon family farming on the front burner, and provide small businesses incentives to locate in rural areas of the US to revitalize the Main Street economies.

I could go on, and on, and on. I have barely mentioned foreign affairs beyond the clusterfuck of US policies in the Middle East, but there is plenty to be done in that area as well. Like stop ignoring Latin America completely. Open the borders completely between Canada & the US & the US & Mexico in the same way the European Union opened it's borders.

Start fighting the REAL enemies of outrageous burgeoning of human slavery, sex trafficking, including child soldiers, child labor, and child prostitution. Create new global industries based upon mandatory, free education for every child in the world, new global industries based upon every human being receiving quality medical care, based upon every human being having environmentally sustainable and energy self-sufficient housing. Stop clearcutting the forests of the planet. Regulate fast food & sugar based food industries (junk foods) and fight obesity and poor health using the same mandates as we have used for drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

Is that enough for you Amos? For a start?

Now, what is Obama going to do for you?

Answer: none of the above.