The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109890   Message #2300603
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Mar-08 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Subject: RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
He's an interesting fellow, Sal, obviously dead serious about what he's doing and not afraid to take the flak.

I've read some of his writings. Again, very interesting. I have no final conclusions about it could I? Am I really in a position to know about such things? Nope. Unlike most people, I am quite willing to admit that. To admit that I simply don't know.

Do I trust the mainstream sources of information in this society to tell me the truth about everything? LOL! Not one bit.

People are deeply afraid to admit they don't know, to admit in fact that they don't have a bloody clue about much that goes on in the world, so they all seem to have a definite opinion about what's real and what isn't, and they got it straight from the mainstream authorities who talk to them through the magic box. Just ask 'em. ;-) Oh, yeah, they have all the answers already, straight from the magic box in their living room, and they certainly wouldn't want to waste time listening to anything different now, would they?

Someone might laugh at them! Ouch. Can't have that.

Best not even talk about it where anyone can hear you.

Thanks for the link.