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Thread #109890   Message #2300630
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Mar-08 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Subject: RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Anyway, he's dead right about one thing. The mental condition of virtually the entire public nowadays is akin to a state of programmed hypnosis...and people are not free, but they probably think they are, since they can't see the bars.

If you talk to people outside the mental box they are used to being in, they mostly assume you must be crazy.

As such, it's basically a complete waste of time talking to most people about anything unusual like that, in my opinion, but perhaps I am less optimistic than Mr Icke...or less willing to be dumped on by people.

I'd rather just say I have no opinion and leave it at that.