Great to read my way through this thread again! Not enough people recognise The influence Lonnie had on the popular music of today, Pre-Lonnie, a guitar was just another instrument and apparently as far from the reach of most people as a trombone or sax. He also, although a lot of people would argue, had a lot to do with the folk revival. Two who did agree with me on that one were Hamish Henderson and Martin Carthy - there are many more but some afraid to come out of the closet! Got an incredible CD a couple of weeks ago - "Great British Skiffle - Just About As Good As It Gets!" A total of 55 tracks including 7 by Lonnie but also featuring names like Beryl Bryden, Ken Colyer, The Vipers, Chris Barber's Skiffle Group (with Dick Bishop and Johny Duncan), Clyde Valley Stompers, Alan Lomax & The Ramblers (including MacColl & Seeger!), Bob Wallis' Washboard Beaters, The City Ramblers (with Ramblin' Jack Elliot) and Lazy Ade's Backroom Boys. This all for £10! This CD, along with some additional recordings of Lonnie, Nancy Whiskey, Leadbelly et al, let me do a 3-hour radio programme on skiffle last week. My weekly programme is going to include a bit more skiffle from now on!