The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109523   Message #2300946
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
30-Mar-08 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Subject: RE: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
That's a little self-righteous of you Jim.

What is your stance on another health issue which effects others,sodomy is upping the disease Aids.

Recreational sex among homosexuals has contributed in a major way to the plague. Those of us into truth said it, but we were made out to be religious nuts who lost reality's pole.

Addressing the topic of AIDS, the gay community seems to have a collective shrug as if this isn't our problem.

87 percent of the people in this country living with HIV are gay we cannot deny that HIV is a gay disease. We have to own that and face up to that.

A little over a year ago, Lorri Jean, CEO of the Los Angeles-based Gay and Lesbian Center, similarly shocked the 'gay' community by stating that, "HIV is a Gay Disease".

You know, it really is a mortal phenomenon that shows up quite often. It's that human beings who intentionally have buried truth live long enough to blister with the lie. Then they out with the facts. It happens in sports, politics, religion and so forth.

Therefore, this admission from homosexuals is not ultimately surprising considering that mortals do fester when purposefully hiding the truth over time. At the start, it's kind of a game of hide and seek. Then years go by at times. Years. Then the blister boil can't go untended. It works its way to the surface and bursts forth.

Biblical moralists have said for ages that practising homosexuality is not only a sin but a disease carrier.

Yet we are subjected daily to these people on television soaps, game programmes and talent shows. Go shoot your mouth off that direction.

Twenty years ago it was closet homosexuals, now it's closet smokers.