The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109864   Message #2301004
Posted By: sian, west wales
30-Mar-08 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lights Out for an Hour, Please...
Subject: RE: BS: Lights Out for an Hour, Please...
I 'get' all objections and dismissals, but I do think there's a point to taking part in these things (which I did) as it makes you rethink how you live everyday life. I suspect that 'Catters didn't 'suffer' as much as many might - I just sat around and played a bit of piano, a bit of guitar, sang a bit ... no sweat. But I can think of some people who would get completely traumatized by a no-electric experience.

My mum (87) put me on to it, and she and a friend just sat around and chatted for the hour. And I see that Canada's Globe and Mail tried to lighten (no pun intended) helped with a few suggests.
