The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74786   Message #2301133
Posted By: GUEST,John Scott Cree
30-Mar-08 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: 2016 Obit: Don Shepherd
Subject: RE: Don Shepherd - is he still around
Hi Don

like everyone else, I was really chuuffed to see this thread. You and your singing have been much loved and missed. I too enjoyed you at Hammersmith, as well as on your visits to Folk at The Chequers, Horley.

For many years, I had your "Sun and moon" sticker on my guitar case - I think it lasted longer than the hinges in the end. Reminds me of my old Mum's dictum about the creaking gate lasting longest. I'm sure you've lived it, if not knowingly.

Please remember Frankie and me kindly to Deirdre, if she remembers us and I'll try to 'phone if I can find you in BT directory. If you're not there, pse email if you have a moment

best to you both
