The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109523   Message #2301371
Posted By: TheSnail
30-Mar-08 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Subject: RE: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
GUEST,Ol' Smokey

They are not confused TS, they are presenting statistics. My remark was directed at you, not them.

Sorry, but I merely asked if you would like to comment on the links I posted. Why does that make me confused?

Perhaps you'd tell me what I'm denying?

The facts about a your dependance on a drug that will almost certainly shorten your life and may well end it in a particularly unpleasant way.

What am I trying to justify?

Your self-destructive addiction which harms not only you but those around you.

What am I wrong about?

Your overwhelming conviction that you are in the right.

Er, would you like to comment on the links I posted?