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Thread #109890   Message #2302233
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Mar-08 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Subject: RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Ruth, I have no idea if they are lizards in sheep's clothing. No idea whatsoever. Got that? No opinion. I have nothing to go on to have any opinion about that, and neither does anyone else here. ;-)

But I do know that 99% of people are sheep. They imitate. They parrot others. They repeat what they have heard from others all their lives. They follow the herd. They ridicule anyone who doesn't. Try being "different" (in any way at all) and you will see.

I have no idea if David Icke is right or not about the lizard thing. Not a frikkin' clue! How could I have any idea if he is, when I have had no experience to either confirm or deny anything he is saying?

What I do know is that a great deal of what he says makes very good sense indeed and is right on the mark. I also know that he presents himself very well, and speaks very well, and seems also to be a nice man and a smart man. On a personal level, he impresses me well. That's all I have to go on. That means I respect him as another human being, and I will listen to him calmy, and consider what he says...not form a snap judgement about it based on prior habits and prejudices of a lifetime. I will listen just as calmly and fairly to him as I would to any other human being who speaks decently and politely to me about something. A pity I couldn't say that about a lot of other people!

That doesn't either confirm or deny for me anything that he says about lizards....but I do find much of what he says very interesting and persuasive. To simply reject some other things he says out of hand...just because they are very not an indication of anything except mindless habit on the part of people who think, "I already know what's real and what isn't in this world, and no one can tell me otherwise. Anyone who does tell me otherwise is nuts!"

Sheep, in other words. Sheep are unwilling to deal with anything that isn't already familiar to them, and if they encounter the unfamiliar in somone they all go, "BAAAAAAA! Look at the nutter! BAAAAAAAAA!"

Their reaction is not based on knowledge, or rationality, or fairness, or objectivity, or curiosity, or anything reasonable whatsoever. It's based entirely on their own ignorance and their totally smug satisfaction in remaining just that ignorant and prejudiced for the rest of their stupid lives, and automatically laughing at anyone they find "unusual", despite having no actual evidence or experience of their own on which to base their laughter.

Again, I say, I have NO IDEA whether he's right or not about the "lizards". None. Not a clue. Zip. Nada. I admit that I know absolutely nothing about it, and I have no personal experience to go on concerning it, therefore I have no business having any definite opinion about it. It's a damned shame most people won't admit likewise that they know bloody well nothing about half of the things in this world that they will so readily voice an instantaneous and strong opinion on.

I do know this. He's not an anti-semite, and allegations that he is are utterly ridiculous. I've read enough of what he's written and heard enough of what he's said live to know with certainty that he is most definitely not an anti-semite. What he clearly believes in is freedom and equality for all human beings. The man is simply tremendously idealistic about humanity and the positive potentials of human beings. As such, he is quite a rarity in the present day and age.....and quite a juicy target for anyone of a fearful or cynical nature.