The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109523   Message #2302409
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
31-Mar-08 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Subject: RE: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
That is very true Alice. There is a lot more information now than ever there was.

2001 It was considered safe for a pregnant woman to drink one glass of red wine.

2008, the same people who said that retracted it.

Just as they did regarding eggs and reversed that too. Also tinned Tuna fish.

Alice, the generation before us seemed to get through fine, hard to believe all those people in their eighties and nineties today survived through that age. Eating food without sell by dates and living in dangerously painted houses and sitting in smokey pubs.

Sometimes the nanny state isn't always for the best.