The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109799   Message #2302870
Posted By: Ron Davies
31-Mar-08 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
It seems that, bit by bit, Hillary's campaign is crumbling--and Obama just has to stand back and watch it happen. Which , excellent campaigner that he is, he is doing masterfully. Not trying to pressure her to withdraw. After all, he knows he will need the votes of her supporters in the fall. And, since he has run a non-divisive campaign, just reacting to her attacks--in contrast to her scorched-earth approach-- he will get the votes of her strongest supporters, despite what they may say now. For them the top priority is to prevent a Republican from naming any more Supreme Court justices. And they know that when he gets the nomination, voting for him will be the only way to keep the Supreme Court from going lopsidedly conservative.

I heard today that he's just picked up the endorsement of another Senator. He now has as many Senators' endorsements as she does.

And unless her campaign can come up with an extremely creative reason why she cannot, she soon will be releasing at least her taxes from 2006 and a few more years--not all the way back to 2000, as Obama has done--but enough to raise some fascinating questions. According to her spokesman last week, she will release them at least 3 or 4 days before the PA primary.

I would not be at all surprised to then watch her campaign self-destruct totally---since there will be no way to explain all the complications of the Clintons' finances without absolutely clinching the argument that she is the creature of lobbyists--and possibly even entangled in seamy foreign deals.