The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109821   Message #2302919
Posted By: Slag
01-Apr-08 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious freedom, or murder?
Subject: RE: BS: Religious freedom, or murder?
Darwinism has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact it is the antithesis of intelligence. It only has to do with an organism's ability to adapt to its environment and survive. If this includes intelligence, so be it. If not, it is not necessary. You might even argue that the jury is still out on intelligence. Human "intelligence" seems to be about adapting the environment to our needs and wants and it seems to be having some disastrous effects upon nature (living, that is).

Re Loony religions or loony religious convictions. Are you defining this term by the end result of these stories? There are certain established religions which purport to deny medical science and refuse medical intervention.* Here, I would tend to agree with you. On the other hand are loons who have religious convictions. These are either individuals or small groups who believe that they alone have found the "True Faith". It is their thought processes which qualify for the appellation.

*Most notable would be the Christian Scientist religion. "Purport" because many of its practitioners do resort to the medical world when push comes to shove. I don't know what mental gyrations they must go through to arrive at this point but they do. It has been documented that Mary Baker Eddy (the Founder and author of "Health and Science") also visited her medical doctor.