The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23831   Message #2303246
Posted By: GUEST,'Ray Bucknell
01-Apr-08 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Chad Mitchell Trio!!!
Subject: RE: Chad Mitchell Trio!!!
I consider myself well-versed on Chad Mitchell Trio-related matters and I have never heard of Igor.   I did check out the website and it says he played behind John Denver at one time (so did a lot of people) -- that's the closest "connection" I can imagine.   Igor isn't a name one would easily forget....

    BTW, the Trio has come out with a terrifc 3-DVD set that features some of their many TV appearances during the Hootenanny era (disc 1), their 1908s PBS reunion with John Denver -- with a number of songs that didn't make the TV show or subsequent video (disc 2) and their Fall 2007 concerts in Spokane and Wisconsin (disc 3). The set is kinda pricey, but quite literally a dream come true for someone like me who was too young to see them live during their heyday and too far away to attend last year's shows. Has anyone else watched this set?   Check it out at
