The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107892   Message #2303379
Posted By: Tyke
01-Apr-08 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: 3rd EasterMudFolk PeakDistrict:Come on!21-24 Mar
Subject: RE: 3rd EasterMudFolk PeakDistrict:Come on!21-24 Mar
Saddleworth? I may make a further attempt to get there again this year. I'm afraid I upset the Police in the village looking for somewhere to park on the Saturday Night.
I don't know why they were upset the patrol car they were in was parked illegally too near the junction on the left. Hence my headlights, which were dipped, dazzled them as they observed the main streets revellers. Perhaps it was my knowledge of the Highway Code or the fact that I had I not had a drink at all that upset them I don't know.

I was just a little abrupt with them, when I told them the truth that it was the worst excuse for stopping someone I had ever heard. As a musician being stopped and breathalysed is just something you get used to. It's not a problem I would rather be stopped and breathalysed than run the risk of driving whilst under the influence and injuring or killing anyone. But some of the reasons for stopping you or when they follow you for miles first are a joke.

I was once driving over the moors to Whitby having left work a ten at night in Leeds. The roads were white with ice and snow and after straightening out a bend this bright spark stops me after folling me for two miles and accuses me of preventing him overtaking me on a bend. All I said was "So That's Overtaking on a Bend Then!" I think that the next time this officer decides to have a word with me he better find his dictionary first.