The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109799   Message #2303751
Posted By: Stringsinger
01-Apr-08 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Adopts Tanya Harding Option???
Here's the way I see it. Hillary has a lose/lose option. If she finagles the DLC or the DNC
to fix the election she will alienate so many in the Democratic Party that they won't show up. If she goes all the way to the Convention, she will destroy any chance of a peace option for Iraq because the Party will disintegrate. McCain will walk in.

The thing that probably will happen is that the Super Delegates will step in and support
Obama to save the Party and as a result he will meet the delegate requirement for winning. This will probably happen in July. (I'm quoting Rachel Madow, here.)

The idea that Wright is a black supremacist is blatant propaganda. His anger reflected in the pulpit in no way says that he considers black people superior. His angry remarks have to be taken in context and this is something that the media will not honor. Obama expressed his position well without giving in to the negative side of the sermons. This anger is representative of a large segment of the black population who would echo Rev. Wright's diatribe. But it was clear to me that his comment about damning America had more to do with criticizing the Bush Administration and the subsequent racism of the white Washington establishment and the Pentagon then it did for really disavowing the country.

The fact that Hillary uses the Wright's comments to enable her campaign speaks poorly of her motives towards African-Americans. She should have also come to the defense of Obama in the false inference that he was a Muslim. She should have done this for the country and not waffled on this issue to win an election. Obama has not endorsed Louis Farrakhan nor has Wright. Instead, Hillary wants to win the white working class vote in Pennsylvania which is reputed to be "racist". Here's that ugly race card we heard about.

Jeffrey Sharlet's book on the "Family" is due out in May. This should put to bed the idea that Obama endorses the anger of Wright. Hillary has not disowned her association with this group and probably won't. I'm not sure how much difference this will make to the average voter, however.

Then there's McCain's association with Hagee and Parsley. McCain has not disavowed them and I see them as more destructive than Wright.

I think July will be the time the Democratic Party Primary conflict will be resolved. Howard Dean has said as much.

As to the issue of getting out of Iraq any time soon, neither candidate has made a substantial statement regarding a plan to do this. Both candidates have promised to
defend the large American Embassy in the Green Zone and neither will remove the
Blackwater, Triple Canopy and KBR mercenaries who they feel would be required to guard
the working American civilians in the area. If that area is to be "defended" the troops that are there now will not be able to do it and the reliance on the "mercenaries" will be deemed obligatory.

As much as I would vote for Dennis Kucinich in a heartbeat, a write-in name for him
on the ballot would probably vitiate the vote and be an unintentional vote for McCain.

Don't count on finance campaign reform very soon or a resolution to the election fraud
that is still with us in 2008.
