The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109890   Message #2304614
Posted By: Donuel
02-Apr-08 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Subject: RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
The Reptilian brain is a valid psyhological and evolutionary concept, but the transdimensional lizard story does not fly.
He knows it. We know it. But it is a radical schtick in which people can easily remember and identify the man and the ideas.

Its a marketing tool really.

As a hypnotist myself and a keen observer of the repeating media suggestions being propogandized every day, I would say he has his finger on the pulse of reality.

In my own way I painted by had the great sunami before it happened,. I painted the twin towers on fire with an airplane above before it happened etc and I too do not consider myself a prophet but rather free enogugh in my thinking to see the likelyhood of certain events and why they occur.