The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2306187
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Apr-08 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interru
So far, this dispute has taken place articulately and, to one degree or another, politely; much passion and heat, even anger at times, but at least people on both sides of the fence have listened to the points of view of their opponents and attempted to answer them.
While I disagree with Breandán, I am very aware that he has appeared to listen to what I have to say and has attempted to deal with my questions politely and carefully – too seldom the case in such arguments.
I would be grateful to Ard mhacha if he didn't use a flippant remark of mine to drag this discussion down to gutter level.
Nerd; the classifying of organisations such as CCE and EFDSS as 'charities' is, I believe a nominal one, done for the purpose of convenience rather than definition. The roles of these and, say Oxfam, Save The Children and ISPCA are very different and require different relationships between those at the head of the organisations and the foot-soldiers.
Not only do I do believe that a democratic structure is not out of the question in our music organisations, I think it is essential if all members are to make a contribution.
One thing that all 'charities' music or otherwise, who are dependent on public support, from within or without, is total transparency and full accountability of action – not the case with the Clontarf affair, I believe.
Somebody said they couldn't imagine this happening in the U.K.; I beg to differ. It wasn't so long ago that EFDSS made the front pages by having to call in the Fraud Squad over the proposed sale of Cecil Sharp House; an affair which not only exposed EFDSS to ridicule and disrepute, but tore the organisation in pieces, a state from which, I believe, it never fully recovered.
Public organisations need to be aware that they are constantly in the public eye and largely dependent on public support and good will.
I don't know how the (rightly discredited IMO) 2000 report by Labhrás to the Oireachreas on the state of music in Ireland was received within Comhaltas; I do know it stirred up a hornet's nest of protest outside, which eventually led to it being shelved. The aftershocks of the affair are still being felt; I still have the scathing 'Pillars of Society article on Labhrás; not exactly helpful to him or CCE.
Breandán; thank you for answering my simple question and satisfying my curiosity, if not my cynicism. As I appear to be on a roll, hope you don't mind if I try another couple.
1.        (Somewhat impenetrable) rulebook and financial disputes aside - do you believe that the leadership have handled this affair well?
2.        Do you think that this affair has helped or hindered the cause of Irish traditional music?
Jim Carroll