The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61588   Message #2306318
Posted By: matthew
04-Apr-08 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: Who has The Andy M. Stewart Collection?
Subject: RE: Who has The Andy M. Stewart Collection?

I am also looking for the Andy M Stewart Collection but it is sold out everywhere, even the expensive second hand version on amazon and ebay are gone. I tried ordering it via my University and public library but they couldn't get it (I live in Germany). I located two shops in Australia which claimed to sell copies but after organizing an Australian who would ship the book to me both shops said they were sorry the book just went out of print. I even tried contacting Andy Stewart and the publishers to ask if there would be a reprint sometime, but I got no response. I have now exhausted all ideas where I could buy a version of the book. If anyone has copy they would be willing to part with please contact me. I would be happy with any medium: book, photocopy, pdf, gifs, etc.

With kind regards
