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Thread #109890   Message #2306674
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Apr-08 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Subject: RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
"I have looked at his theories, I don't believe in them."

Huh???? I don't get that. David Icke has a whole LOT of theories, not just one or two theories. There are hundreds of theories contained within his theories, for gosh sakes. ;-) How can anyone just believe...or not believe...ALL of it at the same time????

It's like saying you don't believe in anything that Marx said, or that Jesus said, or that Abraham Lincoln said, or that Gorbachev or Reagain said. NONE of it! Yeah, right... Surely, in all the stuff David Icke says, there are some things that are somewhat believable? Others that seem quite unlikely, but yet, how would you know for sure? Others that seem quite plausible, but again, how would you know for sure?

It's not a question of just BELIEVING or NOT BELIEVING what he says. It's a question of giving some consideration to something he says and considering that it might be so.

Why would I have to BELIEVE what David Icke says...or DISBELIEVE it...when I'm not in a position to corroborate any of it or prove it or disprove it?

What does BELIEF or DISBELIEF even have to do with it? Why must one necessarily believe or disbelieve in a proposition in order to be interested in it?

I'm interested in what David Icke has to say. That doesn't mean I HAVE to either believe it or disbelieve it. I'm simply interested, period.

Believers and disbelievers are people who've got their minds all made up...which relieves them, it seems to me, from having to bear the burden of actually thinking about the matter any longer. They are armoured, like the Pope, with presumed infallibility from that point on by their BELIEF...or their NON-BELIEF. ;-)   (and that's exactly what irritates me about their attitude)

See what I mean? Why must you assert belief or disbelief in something you cannot prove? What point is there in doing so? And why wouldn't you have a strong interest in something even when, and especially when, you're in no position to prove or disprove it?

What is wrong with people that they think there are only 2 possible choices to have in life: to believe in or to disbelieve in something ? Where the hell do they get such an idea??????

Those are NOT the only 2 choices in life. It is also possible to say, "Look, I don't know, okay? But I do find this interesting. There may be something to it. Or there may not. He may be for real. He may not. He might be part right and part wrong. He might be half right. He might be 1/3 right. He might be 2/3 right. He might be a total fraud. He might be a brilliant man who's really onto something. I will continue to look into this because I find it interesting. I do not have to either believe it or disbelieve it in order to find it interesting, and worthy of some attention."

THAT's an open mind, and it's also a mind that has enough humility, for gosh sakes, to admit that it doesn't know everything already!

The Pope is not infallible nor is anyone else around here.