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Thread #109890   Message #2306832
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Apr-08 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Subject: RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke
Cool. ;-) Now we're talking clearly and understanding each other, I think. I am also quite dubious about a number of David Icke's more bizarre claims, although I'm pretty sure he's being dead serious about them. In other words, I think he fully believes what he's saying and is being honest in presenting it, but that doesn't mean he's correct about everything. I'd be very surprised if he is correct about everything...though I wouldn'd be surprised if he was correct about, oh...say half of it. As to which half? Well, I couldn't say. ;-)

I was well acquainted for 3 or 4 years with a highly paid professional counsellor in these parts...we're talking a medical professional with university degrees here...and a proudly independent Jewess, by the way...and she believed EVERYTHING David Icke has to say. It's gospel to her. Needless to say, she doesn't think he's an anti-semite!

Now, this lady is pretty smart...smarter than the average person...and she's quite successful...but she likes some really offbeat stuff, and the more dramatic it is, the better she likes it.

She talked to me about David Icke and the frikking lizard shapeshifters and all that stuff till I was bloody well SICK of hearing about it! She furthermore claimed that she had seen a person shapeshift into a reptilian (just around their eyes) and that this person had threatened her life.

What can I say about that? Hmmm. Well, I know she means what she says, I know she's utterly sincere about it, I know something happened, and I know she believes that that is what she saw...but that in itself is simply not sufficient to convince me of the existence of reptilian shapeshifters. (People sometimes tend to see what they already think they are going to see...or they misinterpret what they see.) I'd have to hear a similar story from at least 3 different sources I know (and sources who didn't know each other) before I would begin to be fairly ready to be convinced about it.

Or I'd have to see such a phenomenon myself! That would convince me.

And that's pretty much the basis I go on.

So, as I say, this professional lady talked to me about David Icke till I got sick of it. So I read some of his books, just to see for myself. I ended up finding him quite interesting, and got a better impression of him just on his own merits than from my friend's enthusiastic over-promotion of him. I grew to rather like David Icke. He's got a lot of guts, and a good sense of humor. I like those qualities in a person.

Now, David Icke claims that he's had many testimonials from people who've seen these shape-shifting phenomena. And maybe he has. I can't say. If he has, then I could begin to understand why he has come to believe in it. He says he didn't believe in it at all when he heard from the first couple of people who spoke to him...he thought they were experiencing delusions or hallucinations. Fair enough.

But as you can see, I am just about as dubious about the whole thing as you are (and as David Icke himself was at the beginning). I've met ONE person so far...albeit a sincere and intelligent one...who claims to have seen a reptilian shapeshifter. I believe she believes it. Fine. That doesn't mean I believe it. I don't have enough experience or info to believe it.

One witness wasn't enough to convince David Icke, and it's not enough to convince me either. I remain uncommitted one way or another about it, and I probably will remain so indefinitely unless I have a direct personal experience that changes my mind...or unless I meet several people I deem trustworthy who have had such experiences.