The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110146   Message #2308032
Posted By: Folk Form # 1
06-Apr-08 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Subject: RE: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
I didn't like his pro-NRA speeches, either, but a of people shared his views, so.... Doesn't mean they are bad peole.

I thought teh Michael Moore interview was a disgrace. When it was obvous that Heston had the beginnings of senility, the interview should have been chopped.

He was a good actor and made some decent movies, we should remember him for that and be grateful he was spared a future life of increasing senilty, which is horrible. I have it in my family and have seen its effects.