The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3536   Message #23085
Posted By: Moira Cameron
05-Mar-98 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: Song Circles and House Concerts
Subject: RE: Song Circles and House Concerts
Here's an open invitation to everyone on this site.

I am one of the co-founders of a song-circle group in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. We call these events "House Ceilidhs", and they are hosted the last Saturday of every month. House Ceilidhs have been going strong in Yellowknife for over 7 years. We have a wide variety of music styles represented, as well as storytelling and sometimes dance.

From the House Ceilidhs, we have begun organizing House Concerts in the past two years. Unfortunately, because hardly touring musicians "pass through" Yellowknife, we do not get the opportunity to have many performers from out of town.

Nevertheless, if any of you ever find yourselves in my neck of the woods, just give me a call. (867) 920-2464