The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110146   Message #2308647
Posted By: Bobert
06-Apr-08 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Subject: RE: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Free expression, GG, is not the same as "free association"... Ahy do you feel compelled to interject yer politics in every thread??? You are coming off as some reformed smoker who has to tell everybody who will listen how you've quit smoking, 'cept in yer case it your politics... There are ample political threads going right now where you can spout off what ever... But it's becoming real tiresome having just about every you polute every thread with yer need to be seen as the bigest and badest rebel/revoulionary/radical... Yexs, it's tiresome...

I don't mean to be hurtfull... If you were registered I'd rather be having this conversation behind the barn... But you are not selling anyone here because of the inappropiateness of yer postings on threads that have nothing in common with yer views...

Maybe you jus' don't ahve a clue what I am saying here... I related a story on the MLK thread a few months ago when I was a community organizer and brought some friends from bothe Black Panther Party and the White Panter Party to Richmond... But a few folks from each party met with some of the folks who I had been working and at some point during the meeting one of the Black Panther guys took me aside and said, "Hey, man, you are talkin' to people. You need to talk with people."

Yeah, I was hurt by that but after a few days it set in an' I understood what the guy said and good part of it is layin' back and choosin' when to strike, when to speak... Timing is everything... Yeah, I was anxious to let folks know jst how radical I was and was mssin' what realities of their lives...

I'm not sure that you understand what I am saying here... Okay, lets just use Ho's words, "He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day"...

I'm sure you take this as condesending but that is not the intent... You are a smart lady... You have a lot to add here in Mudville... But you need to check yer radicalism at the door... Play by the rules... There are folks here who are as equally radical... With resumes to back their radicalism up... And, umlike you, are transparent... My history is confirmable... Maybe yers is as well but the point here is...

...chill... We are all big kids here... It's perfectly okay to post something that doesn't come with politics drippin; off it... Don't matter the thread... Some invite drippin' politics.. Others don't...

If this was George Bush or Dick Cheney who had died then, okay, but this was a movie actor...

Bottom line, respect the thread... There are plenty of other threads where you can you can interject...

Oh, and for the record, yes, you have a pefect right to say what ever you want and the Mudcat community has a perfect right to pass by your posts... If that is what you want then keep firin'...
