The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109868   Message #2309096
Posted By: Bat Goddess
07-Apr-08 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Keweenaw Light (Craig Johnson)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Keweenaw Light (Craig Johnson)
Another song that Art Thieme sings that I need to learn (also Soo Line) because of my Upper Midwest and Yooper heritage.

I was born in Stambaugh, MI but left (under parent-power) before I was a year old, but I grew up on Lake Michigan's shores further south in the west 'burbs of Milwaukee.

I've never actually set foot in Lower Michigan -- and I haven't been to the UP since the late '50s, alas. Just enjoying some photographs this morning of the Lake Superior shore and discovered that Miner's Castle lost one of its spires a few years ago. When I was last there, you could walk out onto the formation, the surface was level. I noted in the last photo I had seen (on a UPS calendar from about 10 years ago) that it didn't look like anyone was allowed out there -- the surface was too sloped and friable.

I've been living amidst the glories of coastal northern New England for close to 40 years -- but the beauty of Michigan's Upper Peninsula still haunts me.
