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Thread #110142   Message #2309392
Posted By: irishenglish
07-Apr-08 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: The next Vice President?
Subject: RE: BS: The next Vice President?
GG- "If Obama said he was going to change all that on day one, he'd have my vote.

Zinni is just another establishment status quo person in a long line of them that may or may not be considered for the #2 spot.

But what does it matter? It isn't like either Clinton or Obama are going to scale back or slap down the military industrial complex, or go after the widespread corruption and graft in the military industrial complex, much less end the war.

GG, first of all, you know darn well that nothing changes overnight. I vote for the person that will come closest to what I believe is the direction this country should go. If my candidate wins, something will change in Iraq and Afghanistan, not on day one, but over time, and I will accept that as progress, because that's what it should be about, not instant results. To take that point in its entirety, which do you feel right now is the most important tactic? Scaling back the military industrial complex, going after the corruption in the same, or ending the war? This country is screaming for a logical end to the war, and that's what I can hope will happen with the election of Obama or Clinton. I think some of the many Generals and Admirals who did raise caution flags over the war would be excellent choices,if not as VP then top ranking Cabinet, to help to guide us out of this debacle.