The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110146   Message #2309476
Posted By: Slag
07-Apr-08 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Subject: RE: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Thank you Bobert. Well said and in so saying, you retain your opinion(s) intact and demonstrate that you are, indeed, a gentleman. And, after which GG should have let it lie.

The quote, "... from my cold dead hand, Mr. Gore..." Was from a speech, I believe an opening address to an NRA convention.

Mr. Heston, Donuel, when he realized that he had symptoms of early onset Alzheimer's made an announcement to that effect and he stepped down from his position at the NRA. Nobody pried anything from his hand. He was always the gentleman. He was also a very humble man who was thankful for the opportunities he was afforded in his life. He loved his wife dearly and too, his children. It bothers me that so many are filled with hatred, spawned by one issue that they can't give the man his due. One lacks focus when they attempt to blast every area of some one's life over a single issue. In logic this is the fallacy of the hasty generalization. What the are really doing is telling something about themselves.

The difference, Donuel, in the two quotes is that Mr. Heston's words were from a script in a movie where he portrayed a character. He was paid to portray this character and to utter those lines. And IN THAT STORY the subject of the condemnation was not the United States of America; it was to fanciful "talking gorillas". Rev. Wright's words were his OWN. They were heartfelt and shouted from a pulpit. A pulpit, I might add, that should have been used to honor the Prince of Peace, the model of forgiveness. Do you see the difference? Juxtaposing these two statements is not fair to either man. I am surprised that you were so impressed by such a hate directed attempt to manipulate prejudices and emotions. But, then again, maybe I shouldn't be.