The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110146   Message #2309499
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Apr-08 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Subject: RE: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Fair enough, Bobert. I think that is good policy. We will call everyone who injects their politics in a thread. That ought to work well.

I maintain that Jack set the tone when he made his first post. Lord knows it feels odd defending one of the GG's, but the fact is that the tone was set from the beginning. As to others writing you PM's, I have no way of if that is so, but I will take your word for it. But the majority can often be the worst dictatorship, when an opinion runs contrary to them. This person, whoever the hell it is, did not start this, nor were they out of line. And given Jack's initial post, they were in the spirit of the thread. I am done discussing, but you all feel free to knock yerselves out.

Remember, we will now monitor for when folks inject their politics in threads......
