The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110146   Message #2309622
Posted By: Bobert
07-Apr-08 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Subject: RE: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Listen GG,

I ain't trying to win "the point" here but I've called you over and over on various threads about your obiter dictumary tendencies to overpost to threads...

If you have a bone to pick then start a new thread... This ain't some free association forum where folks can just wander in and out of the themes of the various threads...

All I am asking is that you make an attempt to stay on topic... We all know how you dislike Obama and anyone who supports him but we don't expect to open threads that have nothing to do with him only to have you bring your biases against him and his supoorters into those threads...

No one went ballistic on C.H. over his NRA aqctivities until you devoted an entire post to bashing anyone who you might might have thought would disagree with you on gun control... Yours was an unilaterial assault and changed ther tone of the thread...

You can take this critiqe or not... It's not meant to be mean spirited or win-loose... If you had n a handle I would be talking with you privately and not here...

I am sorry if this is hurtfull... When I came here many years ago I was alot like you... Full of opinuions and full of then desire to lay them out... I came in as a registered member and I took a lot of heat in the form of PM's... I mean, I got my butt chewed and chewed and chewed... It ain't like changed any of my opionions to make them more digestable because I've always been purdy friggin' rowdy here... But I learned to ***respect*** the forum...

I guess that is the beef I have with you, GG... Yeah, politically, we probably aren't all that far apart... But this ain't about policis or politics... It's about appropriateness and protocaol...

Hey, I couldn't care less if you want to rant about this or that... Start a thred... But, for gosh sakes, check the obirter dictum at the door...

Respectfully yours,
