The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110146   Message #2309636
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
07-Apr-08 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Subject: RE: BS: RIP Charlton Heston (5 April, 2008)
Bobert, "We all know how you dislike Obama" sorry I never expressed a dislike for that gentleman. If you send one of your pm's to a moderator, I am sure they will confirm I have not entered into any debate about him. Reason being, I know sod all about American politicians, and to be honest, I care less.

On another thread you made it apparently clear you were going out to deal with me, what was it you said ? oh yes I remember "rope a dope".

I really do not want any disagreement with yourself or anyone else here, an exchange of views yes. If you plan to challenge me on every thread as you said, fine with me.
But I will express opinions and viewpoints, as I did earlier on this thread. Yes I did respect the gentleman this thread was started for.

Name calling and the use of four letter words by ladies really don't bother me. If you or someone else confuse me with someone else who holds a dislike for Obama that is your problem not mine.

Respect returned and thank you.