The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2309850
Posted By: GUEST,Eileen O'Connor
08-Apr-08 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Bebo sites (Don mentioned one abov) probably set up by the kids of our branch.

I know many of the kids in our branch well (am a parent of two in our bands and know all their friends in the branch, know most of the current children from my time helping to organise the Saturday morning classes over the last few years).

Kids are kids, and do not get bogged down in procedures and policies. They are not impressed with recent developments and are probably expressing their feelings on bebo, just as we are doing here. However I can safely say, they will continue to meet and play music together as often as they can. We adult members will do everything we can to facilitate this for them. All our teachers are staying with us, the parents will continue doing what we were doing, the venues remain the same, we survived without Clasac up until now.

The repercusions will be down the road, when it is these kids' turn to take up the mantle of passing on the music. I'm sure they will be influenced by the treatment our branch is receiving at the moment by HQ, and I cant imagine the comhaltas route being their own first choice in the future.

One thing that strikes me strongly about the new committee.
I know they see themselves as the voice of reason and experience, coming in to save the club from us "young things" (in our 40s and 50s!!)
Is this the right thing to do? If your children grew up, had children of their own, and you watched their parenting methods and didnt agree with them (not the same as in your day). Would the best line of action be to cast them aside and take over parenting your grandchildren yourself, to "save" them from your children???
I think not. You've had your chance, move on and allow progress to take its course as nature intended..
