The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110186   Message #2309893
Posted By: the lemonade lady
08-Apr-08 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shannon kidnap a con-trick?
Subject: RE: BS: Shannon kidnap a con-trick?
As i said in the last thread...I agree it's great that she has been recovered, and hope that she does recover from it all.

"What I want to know is how come ITV were exclusively filming the story, and had been 2 days before and were coincidently present when she was 'discovered'? I think there is much more here than we have been told. This family are going to be rewarded by magazines, sleazy tabloids, worldwide tv interviews, morning telly, Richard and Judy... need I go on?"

"There's more to this than meets the eye. News is coming out all the time about this case. Tabloids love to eek it out just to keep the interest going and newpaper sales." It's a brilliant scam and I'm just so bloody angry that ultimately we all have to pay for her to do this. On the other hand, if the woman is so poor that she needs to cry out for help like this, someone should have noticed before now, surely? I don't think the government should pay someone like her, who could go out to work and help herself just a bit. She's come out of prison and go back on the social.

This kind of thing reveals that we are easily led by what we see on the News programs and read in the New Papers. We believe it all, and flare up accordingly. If we are spoon fed this kind of thing, how will we know what is the truth? This doesn't end here, folks, we are being spoon fed big time by the government about so called 'global warming' as they interpret it for their own means. We read the papers about it, we see the documentarys on tv and we watch the News programs. It must be right, we believe it and we will have to pay the government for it. that's another story, this is their story
