The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110186   Message #2310230
Posted By: Emma B
08-Apr-08 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shannon kidnap a con-trick?
Subject: RE: BS: Shannon kidnap a con-trick?
Again Guest Guest you simply can't be bothered to check your facts!

Shannon's father has been named frequently in the newspapers as Leon Rose, aged 29 who lives with his current partner in the countryside outside Huddersfield 10 miles from Shannon's Dewsbury home.

The reports also describe him as a visitor to the home when he calls 'to pick Shannon up'

It was also widely reported that the police intially found Shannon had scribbled a note on her bedroom wall saying she wished to see more of her natural father.

Now you are as entitled to your 'opinions' as anyone else but in your rush to condemn everyone else at least quit shooting your mouth off with inacuraccies too.