The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110206   Message #2310453
Posted By: Bobert
08-Apr-08 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: So many disagreements and controversies...
Subject: RE: BS: So many disagreements and controversies...
How bourgeoisie, gnu-zer...

It's ol' corn cobs in the privy in a galvinzed bucket back in the hollar... That, of course, is fir after the Sears catalogue runs out... And the bucket is ***always*** kept to the right of you unless you got a fanvy two-holer the ya' put in the middle and ya' all share...

But if it's a one-holer then always to yer right... Don't matter if yer a lefty, 'round these parts you had better have the cob bucket to the right in case you have important company...
